Software to the rescue

An evolving scientist has always been intrigued by this photo of his father. It was taken, presumably near their Croydon, Surrey residence. Was the horse possibly a third birthday present?

Time to experiment!

Using AdobeTM Lightroom ClassicTM, the photo has been considerably enhanced by tweaking contrast, clarity, highlights and ‘dehazing’. The amount of extra detail revealed is particularly satisfying.


This post in memory of my father, who would have been 110 years old today.

Sydney, 26 June 2020


Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

12 thoughts on “Software to the rescue”

  1. I’d never thought of trying to tweak old photos in this way. What a good idea, and what a satisfying result for you.

    1. Thanks, Trish. The ‘photoshop’ pros would probably think this is basic, but I was delighted by the revelation ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I’m also often amazed at the changes that software (Photoshop in my case) can make to a photo. I have none this old, but do have hundreds of scanned prints taken by poor quality cameras in the 1980s and 90s. Sometimes, the edited version is remarkably better. And the way it seamlessly merges 3 or 4 photos to make a panorama is like magic. Though my favourite trick is “content aware fill” — I’ve removed many an unwanted person or thing from my photos this way!

  3. The original scan did not show up for me –
    But the first photo did – and wow –
    What a photo – and wonder if it was a bday gift

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