WPC : Story

Oh, that one could write as Rudyard Kipling wrote!

An evolving scientist grew up with a framed copy of Kipling’s “IF” on the study wall.  It was therefore a treat to be able to visit Batemans, Kipling’s residence and estate in East Sussex, now a National Trust Property.

Story is this week’s Photo Challenge at The Daily Post

Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

7 thoughts on “WPC : Story”

  1. Fantastic sculpture! And about ‘If’: I gave my son a birthday card with this poem on the front, and hope he has taken it to heart. Kipling was a brilliant English writer.

  2. Appreciate that you included the photo of Kipling’s writing table. (I definitely think a table is better than a desk!)

    1. True, Jane. He wrote everything by hand. Out of the photo on the right was the typewriter where his secretary typed his manuscripts.

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