WPC : Place in the World

Give me a home among the gum trees!

Couldn’t put it better. Enjoy A home among the gum trees with Bob Brown, once suggested as a possible National Anthem. 

For the Weekly Photo Challenge

Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

11 thoughts on “WPC : Place in the World”

    1. Thank you, Phil. Just looked up from grandparenting duty at the right time for that light. It is a pocket of high conservation status remnants of endangered Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest and Blue Gum High Forest – just over 5 hectares surrounded by houses!

    1. Thank you. I got lucky with my timing of the light. Not for chewing, but eucalyptus oil has many beneficial uses ? xx

        1. There are none in that small forest, Mlle, but we have seen them, both in their natural habitat and zoos ???

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