
A Virgin Train, waiting for passengers at Kings Cross Station.

Kings Cross London: Virgin Trains 08:30 Service to Newcastle

A belated entry for the weekly photo challenge

Welcome to the new home of An Evolving Scientist. There may be a few “rough edges” around this, but they will get sorted out over the next days/weeks.

Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

8 thoughts on “Waiting”

  1. And it’s a portrait of you as well πŸ™‚
    Will you be putting “likes” back on your posts?

    1. Hello, Amy. I am so pleased you found me again. There should be a little solid heart and the word “Like” (for like), and an outline heart (for dislike), immediately under the text and before my author “portrait” (not the reflection under the destination board)

  2. A familiar sight Ken – always use Kings Cross going up to York or Leeds to see my family! Spent many hours here over the years! The new concourse is very impressive πŸ™‚

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