Lens-Artists Weekly Photo Challenge: #17 Just For Fun

The trees were here first! Hence the curved path above. A classic concession to nature is the way the developers have built the shopping ‘mall’ around trees, such as this gigantic and ancient paperbark trees (Melaleuca leucadendra). We always think the path layers and shop builders had fun with their work.

For the Lens Artists Photo Challenge, set by Patti: “Just for Fun”

Seventh in the random series of Tropical posts from Palm Cove, August 2018 – sub group “scenes”

Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

10 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Weekly Photo Challenge: #17 Just For Fun”

  1. Coincidence: last night I saw a program about the acropolis in Athens and the sacred olive tree of the goddess Athena next to the structure called the Erectheion which is asymmetrical because it’s built around the tree.

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