WPC : Weathered

After a couple of scorching 42C (107.6F) degree days with hot north-westerly winds, our gardens have a weathered look. Even the normally tough-as-nails sasanqua’s new growth took a thorough scorching.

for the Weekly Photo Challenge, Weathered

WPC : 2017 Favourites II

As there is no new challenge this week, a second trawl through the year revealed some more memorable moments.

Another contribution to the Weekly Photo Challenge

WPC : 2017 Favourites

Fortunately, this challenge offers the use of different reasons for selecting our favourites from 2017.

Emotional pull – walking around Borough Market, London, the scene of a terror attack just three weeks later.

Memorable experience 1 a week in Saint Petersburg, with my daughter and our fabulous guide, Elena, seeing many highlights of the city that are off the regular tourist trail. Sometimes cold, sometimes wet, worth every minute.

Memorable experience 2 – East Sussex with family: visiting Batemans, the home of Rudyard Kipling, Sheffield Park and its beautiful gardens, and the white cliffs of the coastline.

Photographic effects – Experimenting, and modestly claiming some success!

Gardens – regular visitors would be disappointed if some Aussie gardens missed the “Favourites” list.

Inspired by The Weekly Photo Challenge set by Ben Huberman

Wishing all my blogging friends a Merry Christmas, and a Safe and Prosperous New Year.