A New Beginning

Waiting for the train, one couldn’t help but be impressed by the rather brutal pruning of these callistemon (bottlebrush) specimens, and the new growth bursting forth.

Yet another entry for the weekly photo challenge, “Waiting” , there being  no new challenge this week.

Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

6 thoughts on “A New Beginning”

    1. Thank you for visiting, Mlle. We call it a “raised garden”. Sure beats having just a boring asphalt or concrete surface 😉

  1. I suppose it’s better than removing the trees altogether. I assume they’ll still flower in their shorter form, and then we’ll be glad they were allowed to stay.

    1. Thank you for dropping in, Trish. I agree with all that, but I can’t see any flowers coming this season. We live in hope 😉

  2. Amazing how nature regenerates Ken. Assume a new beginning could also refer to your blog – unless I’m very much mistaken you’ve had a redesign? It looks very professional 🙂

    1. Thank you Rosemary. Welcome to the new home/host. The move was prompted because I objected to WP placing a political statement on the dot com site. Glad you like it.

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