WPC : Favourite Place

When it comes to choosing, one favourite place is quickly replaced by another, but there are two places that attract us back regularly. One is Far North Queensland for some tropical warmth in our winter, a three hour flight from Sydney. The other is our Blue Mountains, with their rugged escarpments and vistas, just an hour and a half drive away. However, late afternoon, sipping chilled lemon, lime and bitters at home takes a lot of beating, especially after a day in the garden.

An entry for the challenge: Favourite Place

Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

10 thoughts on “WPC : Favourite Place”

  1. the photos are all great and that opening one with the table is such a moody and story image. The angle – the glass the bottle – the chair and the item draped over the chair all whisper of this “living” and the nature surrounds gives us the setting and vibe.
    and would love to try the bitters drink.
    do you think they sell stuff like that in the States?

    1. Very likely, Yvette. You could try making it yourself with lemon & lime juice, fill with soda water (or sparkling mineral water) and a couple of drops of Angostura bitters. Cheers, Ken

      1. ahhh – yes – that I have done many a times – and right now I have a a dropper bottle with swedish bitters and ginger that might work.

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