
“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,….”
excerpt from ‘If’- Rudyard Kipling

Photo at top of page: Sculpture of Rudyard Kipling, by Steve Andrews, chainsaw sculptor, at Kipling’s Estate, Batemans, East Sussex, now a National Trust property.
Yvette over at the Priorhouse Blog provided the stimulus for this sharing of my favourite poem! (Day 3 of 3)

Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

11 thoughts on “If”

  1. When the world goes to pay turvy… it’s comforting to have poems like this as lifeline anchors. Thanks, Ken.

    1. I had a framed copy on my wall growing up, Jane, and it is still with me in my study. A challenging credo to follow!

          1. … and. of course, the Russians at the time would have also said “une belle époque” in the language of the court

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