Weekly Photo Challenge : Extra, Extra (II)

I was taking photos of the sunset, affected by smoke from bushfires 100 km to the west of us. I did not see the bird coming! I have used a version of this photo before in an earlier post, but it so neatly fits this theme, I feel compelled to use it again.


This is in response to the weekly photo challenge, “share a photo that has a little something extra: an unexpected visitor, or a tranquil landscape with a splash of colour.” Other entries for this week’s challenge can be found here.

Weekly Photo Challenge : Room

We loved this room at Sanssouci1 Palace. Sanssouci is the former summer palace of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, in Potsdam, near Berlin.

Sans Souci_01

We were particularly taken by the music stand in the foreground. Can you imagine Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart giving an intimate private recital here, perhaps?

Sans Souci_02


1 Although many references show “Sanssouci” as one word, the actual words appear on the front of the building as the two French words “Sans Souci”. Clearly, Frederick’s intent was that this palace was to be “carefree”.  There is a suburb of Sydney with the same name, although the French are appalled by the way Australians pronounce Sans Souci…..

Ben Huberman came up with this week’s photo challenge, to “share your take on the idea of room — it could be an actual room in your house, a favourite gallery in your local museum, a cubicle at work.” More entries will be found here at The Daily Post