The Sunset that “Went Viral”

Dateline: Monday 28th July, 2014, 5:20 pm AEST. Location : Suburban Sydney

My wife called me to come and look at the interesting sunset that was forming, enhanced by a somewhat unusual cloud formation. I picked up a camera and headed for the deck, our best vantage point.

2014 07 28 Sunset 03

Realising that it was really quite special, I then fetched a camera with a zoom lens, and achieved these results, just a couple of minutes later.

2014 07 28 Sunset 04

2014 07 28 Sunset 05

By 7:30 pm, photos captured all over Sydney had appeared on Facebook, including post by two of my friends. Two photos were even shown on the ABC TV News as part of the weather segment.

Weekly Photo Challenge : Contrast

As the moon was waning last week, I noticed it was still quite high in the sky at around 8:00 am. Inspired by others’ recent photos of sunrises, sunsets and moonscapes, I had a go at capturing it. For this photo challenge, I submit a photo of the moon, to which I have applied contrasting effects electronically, including black & white. 

IMG_1003 sc

The photo itself, taken with a 215mm focal length lens and 1.5x digital zoom, exhibits significant contrast to what is seen with the naked eye, as below [lens focal length 4.3mm].

For this week’s challenge, we were given wide scope to share a photo showing contrast by Michele W at The Daily Post